In the film Interstellar, a scientist sends a group of cosmonauts to discover new territories suitable for human life. But, as it turns out, the scientist sends astronauts to death, for the sake of the birth of a great life. This line was used in the play "Lenin and Christ". Let us recall the horror that cosmonauts experience when they learn that in the scientist's project their life was sacrificed - total loneliness at the edge of the Universe and no help from Earth. Isn't that what the actor experiences on stage? Interstellar became the inspiration for the performance.
The play "Lenin and Christ" is about an actor, about a fiery game that flares up and burns the actor in the figurative and literal sense of the word, about the theater and about time, about time in general, about how it is experienced, stops and begins its course again, but also our specific time.
The play is shown with the support of: ARTBAT FEST, Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after Zhurgenov, DOEN Foundation, ArtsCollaboratory, Soros-Kyrgyzstan Foundation.